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One Autumn Night – Maxim Gorky (1868-1936)
Alexei Maximovitch Pyeshkov, known as Gorky, which signifies “bitter,” was born at Nijni Novgorod in 1868. He was orphaned at nine, and was then apprenticed to a bootmaker. He ran away and wandered all over Russia, plying various trades, and reading greedily all the books he could obtain. His experiences gave him a fund of material for his remarkable stories; stories which are filled with the vigour and pathos, the gentleness and bitterness of Russian life. At the height of his career he was exiled, and did not return to his native country until after the war.

Gorky specialized in the description of the class of outcasts which he knew best. Most of his short stories deal with these people.

One Autumn Night – The present version has been reprinted from Thomas Seltzer’s Best Russian Short Stories, Boni & Liveright, New York, by permission of Jarrolds, publishers, in whose volume, Stories from Gorki, it first appeared. The translator is R. N. Bain.
One Autumn Night
Once in the autumn I happened to be in a very unpleasant and inconvenient position. In the town where I had just arrived and where I knew not a soul, I found myself without a farthing in my pocket and without a night’s lodging.

Having sold during the first few days every part of my costume without which it was still possible to go about, I passed from the town into the quarter called “Yste,” where were the steamship wharves a quarter which during the navigation season fermented with boisterous, laborious life, but now was silent and deserted, for we were in the last days of October.

Dragging my feet along the moist sand, and obstinately scrutinizing it with the desire to discover in it any sort of fragment of food, I wandered alone among the deserted buildings and warehouses, and thought how good it would be to get a full meal.

One Autumn Night part 1

Maxim Gorky (1868-1936)Alexei Maximovitch Pyeshkov, known as Gorky, which signifies “bitter,” was born at Nijni Novgorod in 1868. He was orphaned at nine, and was then apprenticed to a bootmaker. He ran away and...

One Autumn Night part 2

The evening was approaching, the rain was falling, and the wind blew violently from the north. It whistled in the empty booths and shops, blew into the plastered window-panes of the taverns, and whipped...

One Autumn Night part 3

The girl looked at me, and the terror in her eyes gradually died out.She shook the sand from her hands, adjusted her cotton head-gear, cowered down, and said:“I suppose you, too, want something to...

One Autumn Night part 4

In a monotonous tone she set about calculating our discoveries.“A basketful of bottles thick furs a sunshade an iron pail.”All this was uneatable. I felt that my hopes had vanished.But suddenly she exclaimed vivaciously:“Aha!...

One Autumn Night part 5

Our position beneath the shelter of the skiff was utterly devoid of comfort; it was narrow and damp, tiny cold drops of rain dribbled through the damaged bottom; gusts of wind penetrated it. We...

One Autumn Night part 6

He had a vest which cost fifteen rubles and boots with dress tops. For these reasons she had fallen in love with him, and he became her “creditor.” And when he became her creditor,...

One Autumn Night part 7

I felt really wretched more from cold than from the words of my neighbor. I groaned softly and ground my teeth.Almost at the same moment I felt two little arms about me one of...

One Autumn Night part 8

But, ugh! it was impossible for me to think that, for cold drops of rain were dripping down upon me, the woman was pressing close to me, her warm breath was fanning my face,...



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