Alexius Part 38
This excuse Monomachatus made to my father, and tried to conciliate him (I mean my father) and Botaniates, simultaneously, but he also sent a...
Alexius Part 37
Thus he told his tale of woe in detail, and all the false information given about him to the Emperor, and all he had...
Alexius Part 36
He did not after all leave even his son Roger behind, as he had first planned when he appointed him Count of Apulia, but...
Alexius Part 35
But as I write I have to laugh at the thought of these men’s folly and infatuation, and especially at their mutual boastfulness. Robert,...
Alexius Part 34
The first was that the monk in his train was a deceiver, and cheat, and only impersonating the Emperor Michael, and that the whole...
Alexius Part 33
Now, Bohemond took after his father in all things, in audacity, bodily strength, bravery, and untamable temper; for he was of exactly the same...
Alexius Part 32
For what man in his senses would assail so great a father? As for me, I would have thee know that I am arming...
Alexius Part 29
The King of Germany on his side indicted the Pope of usurpation, as he had seized the apostolic chair without his consent. Moreover, he...
Alexius Part 28
In various ingenious ways also Robert caught the ear of the public; one day he would commiserate himself on the sad fate of his...
Alexius Part 27
The story runs thus, the arch-villain Robert who was hatching war against the Romans, and had been making his preparations for some time, was...