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Nile, Stuttgart and New Delhi

Life on the NileA journey by boat from Luxor to Aswan is one the loveliest tripsy you will ever make.The journey from L uxor to Aswan ona dahabiya, the traditional sailing cruisers that ply...

Automobile and Germany

Germany is celebrating the 125th anniversary of the birth of the automobile with a wide range of events. Museums are offering an insight into its fascinating history.Austria is a shoppers paradise compared to anywhere...

Agehi (985/1577)

He was born in Vardar of Yenice. His real name is Mansur. Being from the cadi class he was a scholar, a historian and a poet. He died in Istanbul in 985/1577. According to...

Palace Weddings on the Ottoman Dynasty

Shows and fireworks on the Golden HornThat day the heart of Istanbul and of the empire was beating at this procession.The participants wore their best outfits and carried their most valuable arms and pistols....

The Torture of Hope part 2

Perhaps Infinite Mercy will shine upon you at the last moment! We must hope so. There are examples. So sleep in peace to-night. To-morrow you will be included in the auto da fe: that...

The Torture of Hope part 1

Villiers de L`isle Adam (1838-1889)Count Villiers de l`Isle Adam, bom in Brittany in 1838, led a strange life. “Born without average will-power,” says Huneker, “except the will to imagine beautiful and strange things, all...

Lulu`s Triumph part 12

“And very capricious—”“Lacking in judgment—”And a whimsical creature. I am everything you like; lecture me,I deserve it. Come; have you nothing to say? I am waiting.”``Give me a kiss, and go to bed. Good...

Lulu`s Triumph part 11

“Mother, let us define the world.”“People.”“And who is Mr. People? I do not know him; I am not obliged to be unhappy for the sake of Mr. People.”“You are a terrible girl! But how...

Lulu`s Triumph part 10

Finally, she decided not to let herself be seen. Every evening for a week she shut herself in her room, trembling with impatience, trying to smother her unhappiness.One evening Lulu entered her room. “Will...

Lulu`s Triumph part 9

Sofia was very happy, very happy. For this reason she wept, sobbing heartily, her head buried in her pillow.Three months had passed, Lulu`s marriage was still postponed. Every once in a while her mother,...



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