The Torture of Hope part 1
Villiers de L`isle Adam (1838-1889)Count Villiers de l`Isle Adam, bom in Brittany in 1838, led a strange life. “Born without average will-power,” says Huneker,...
Lulu`s Triumph part 12
“And very capricious—”“Lacking in judgment—”And a whimsical creature. I am everything you like; lecture me,I deserve it. Come; have you nothing to say? I...
Lulu`s Triumph part 11
“Mother, let us define the world.”“People.”“And who is Mr. People? I do not know him; I am not obliged to be unhappy for the...
Lulu`s Triumph part 10
Finally, she decided not to let herself be seen. Every evening for a week she shut herself in her room, trembling with impatience, trying...
Lulu`s Triumph part 9
Sofia was very happy, very happy. For this reason she wept, sobbing heartily, her head buried in her pillow.Three months had passed, Lulu`s marriage...
Lulu`s Triumph part 8
“Lulu did not expect you—I am sorry—”“Oh, it does not matter,” interrupted Roberto.The interruption was too quick, and hardly flattering to the absent one....
Lulu`s Triumph part 7
“No; he is going to his club, where there is a directors` meeting. I am going to profit by it and go to the...
Lulu`s Triumph part 6
“What are you doing here, Donna Sofia Santangelo? Are you reading?”“Yes, I was reading.”“And you did not even care to stand on the balcony?”“And...
Lulu`s Triumph part 5
We shall take a trip through Italy, but without haste, taking short journeys, enjoying every comfort, stopping where we please, seeing even the most...
Lulu`s Triumph part 4
But this afternoon he lay stretched out in an armchair, one leg crossed over the other, a book in his hand, with the fixed...