Michael IV part 20
He did not claim to be the legitimate heir of these kings, but he either invented or proved that he was a collateral relation....
Michael IV part 21
The Emperor’s Bulgarian Expedition43. This thought afflicted the emperor much more than physical suffering, and the harm it produced in him was quite different,...
Michael IV part 22
The Escape Of Alousianus To Bulgaria45. The war had not yet broken out when a most astonishing thing happened — something nearly as amazing...
Ski resorts Bulgaria Pamporovo
Travel to famous ski resorts BulgariaWhere to go for ski resorts Bulgaria?Surely, Pamporovo. Pamporovo is a modern and one of the widely famous ski...
Michael IV part 23
He referred to his father in an impersonal way, as though he himself was a member of another family. He then proceeded to speak...
Adventure Balkan Tours
Bulgaria mountain toursIf you haven`t been to Bulgaria yet, it is time to think about it and pack your luggage. Then, as soon as...
Antiochus Strategos part 7
Next he began to inquire how he could put these ideas into effect so that he could despise and renounce the fleeting pleasures of...
Michael IV part 24
This proposition being acceptable to the emperor, further communications passed between them, in great secrecy, as Alousianus had desired. In accordance with the terms...
Explore Burgas
Personal Tours Bulgaria from Sofia – 383 km, 3 h 40 min (Sofia walking tour)Personal Tours Bulgaria from Plovdiv – 253 km, 2 h...
Pomorie Tours
Pomorie – private Bulgaria holidaysPrivate Bulgaria Holidays – Although Pomorie is not a very big town on the Southeastern Bulgarian coast, it has its...